Call For Application: NTEEP 4.0 Entrepreneurship Empowerment Project (Access to Entrepreneurship Training, Mentorship and Digital tools)

Call For Application: NTEEP 4.0 Entrepreneurship Empowerment Project (Access to Entrepreneurship Training, Mentorship and Digital tools)

NTEEP 4.0 Entrepreneurship Empowerment Project

Nomfro Technologies’ Entrepreneurship Empowerment Project (NTEEP). The much awaited fourth edition of NTEEP will provide another 500 businesses with an essential opportunity to join a community of like-minded entrepreneurs. These entrepreneurs will have the opportunity to network with experienced businessmen and women who can provide valuable advice and insights. The program remains devoted to creating a collaborative environment that supports business success.
NTEEP, which began in 2020, serves as a beacon of empowerment for African companies. Its comprehensive program has successfully taught and empowered over 600 businesses across the continent. The program focuses on giving entrepreneurs with the necessary tools, skills, and a supportive network to scale their firms in an ever-changing digital landscape.

Benefits of the NTEEP 4.0 Entrepreneurship Empowerment Project

  • Access to Intensive Entrepreneurship Training

Participants go through a month-long rigorous training program led by industry professionals. The course addresses critical aspects of entrepreneurship, guiding startups through the complexities of business development, strategy, and management.

  • Access to digital marketing training

In recognition of the digital age, NTEEP places a high value on digital marketing. Participants are trained by industry experts, giving them the information they need to effectively use digital platforms for business growth.

  • Access to Digital Tools

Recognizing the significance of technology in business, NTEEP offers startups access to cutting-edge technological tools. This guarantees that kids have the resources necessary to navigate and thrive in the digital age.

  • Get a Sponsored Business Website

NTEEP takes a hands-on approach by sponsoring websites for participating startups at no cost to them. This
empowers startups to establish and strengthen their online presence, a critical factor in today’s business landscape.

  • Access to long-term mentoring

The program matches participants with experienced mentors in their industry. Mentors provide guidance and support to help startups overcome challenges and achieve key milestones. Mentorship is a pivotal component, allowing entrepreneurs to tap into a wealth of knowledge from those who have walked the path before them.

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Eligibility criteria for the NTEEP 4.0 Entrepreneurship Empowerment Project

In order to qualify for this funding, one or more of the following criteria have to be met:

  • Your business must be operating in Africa.
  • The startup is in the idea stage or early stage.
  • Can demonstrate the potential for future scale.
  • An African living abroad.
  • International startup focusing on African women, youths, or children.

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Process of the NTEEP 4.0 Entrepreneurship Empowerment Project

  • Stage 1

Startups are invited to join by completing the application form.

  • Stage 2

The online session schedule will be announced.

Regular updates on NTEEP-2024 events, training, and opportunities will be shared with the community on

  • Stage 3

The finalists for sponsored websites will be announced at the end of the training.

The NTEEP team will connect with you directly to learn more about your business needs and complete

Deadline: March 14, 2024

Apply here

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