Internship Jobs United Nations Careers

United Nations Volunteer-Digital Impact, Technology and Innovation

United Nations Internships 2024 | UN Internship Online

United Nations Volunteer-Digital Impact, Technology and Innovation (Local – HQA)

The volunteer will work with the DITID team to support the department’s digital transformation initiatives and contribute to the development of the Digital Impact strategy.

  • Collaborate with all project owners to write the Digital Transformation / DITID annual report for 2023. The report should include a comprehensive analysis of the Agency’s digital transformation initiatives, their impact, and recommendations for future improvements.
  • Review and update all regulatory documents of the department. Ensure that all documents are up-to-date, accurate, and comply with relevant regulations.
  • Support the CIO in his work on the Digital Impact strategy development and implementation. This includes conducting research, analyzing data, and providing recommendations to the CIO.
  • Write news articles for the department’s website to showcase its digital transformation in-itiatives and achievements. The articles should be well-researched, informative, and en-gaging for the readers.
  • Contribute to the UI/UX design and testing activities for software development. The vol-unteer will work with the development team to ensure that the software’s user interface is intuitive, user-friendly, and visually appealing. The volunteer will also assist in conducting UI/UX testing to identify any usability issues.
  • Assist in the development of proposals for new digital transformation projects and initiatives.
  • Any other tasks assigned by the supervisor


  • Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Information Technology, Digital studies or a re-lated field.
  • Minimum 6 months experience in the humanitarian domain
  • Excellent communication skills, both written and verbal
  • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills.

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  • The selected volunteer will be based in UNRWA HQA Amman – Jordan.
  • The duration of the Contract is up to 6 months, and the possibility of extension is subject to continuing need and satisfactory performance.
  • Interns/volunteers on a normal full-time schedule are permitted to be absent on two working days per month of placement with the prior authorization of their supervisor.
  • Interns/volunteers who are unable to report to work due to illness have an obligation to in-form their supervisor as early as possible.
  • Interns/volunteers are entitled to take the Agency’s official holidays, which apply at the rele-vant duty station. Interns and volunteers on a part-time schedule will not be entitled to compensatory time off for an official holiday that falls on a day outside their normal part-time schedule.
  • The Intern/Volunteer is not entitled to any benefit, payment, subsidy, compensation or entitlement, nor is any amount payable by UNRWA to the Intern/Volunteer, including with respect to sickness, injury or death, associated with their placement with UNRWA.
  • The Intern/Volunteer must prove to the satisfaction of the Agency that he/she has adequate insurance coverage.
  1.  Minimum 6 months experience in the humanitarian domain
  2.  Excellent communication skills, both written and verbal
  3.  Strong analytical and problem-solving skills.

Interns are not financially remunerated by the United Nations. Costs and arrangements for travel, visas, accommodation and living expenses are the responsibility of interns or their sponsoring institutions. Interns who are not citizens or permanent residents of the country where the internship is undertaken, may be required to obtain the appropriate visa and work/employment authorization.

Successful candidates should discuss their specific visa requirements before accepting the internship offer.


For more information visit the official website of United Nations Volunteer-Digital Impact, Technology and Innovation